From our handbook:
We believe: Christian education is an integral part of God’s directive to his followers as expressed in the Great Commission and the Old Testament.
We believe: Christian education must be based on the Bible and must be Christ-centered in order to establish and strengthen a sound Christian faith in each child.
We believe: Christian education in the Lutheran Day School must be concerned with the whole child – physically, socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
We believe: Christian education must equip each child to effectively fulfill the role of a Christian. Such teaching provides opportunities to cultivate Christian attitudes, Christian motives, and Christian values.
We believe: Christian education in the Lutheran Day School must be an extension of the child’s Christian home. The greatest blessing of Christian education can come to the child only when there is complete cooperation between home and school.
We believe: the curriculum of Faith Lutheran School must give children a thorough Christian foundation so that they may be better trained to compete for their livelihood in the local, national, and world communities.
We invite and encourage families not attending another Christian church to attend Faith Lutheran Church. Faith Lutheran Church holds services at 5:30 on Saturdays and 9:00 on Sundays. For more information on our church, please click here.
Faith Lutheran Church and School are a part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. For more information on our church body, please click here.